This date is now infamously known as “The Ides of March.” After his assassination a civil war ensued.
The plot was successfully executed on March 15, 44 B.C.
Some feared his immense popularity and king-like behavior would eventually make him too powerful, and they feared for the good of Rome.Ī plot was hatched by a group of angry Senators, led by Cassius and Brutus, to assassinate Julius. At a time when armies were paid primarily in gold and land, he amassed one of the most loyal and successful armies the world had ever seen. He rose to power quickly and extended the reach of the Roman empire across the world. The self-proclaimed Dictator had ideas well ahead of his time, and much of what he did and did not do is the foundation for the way societies are run to this day.
By middle school most children have heard the name Julius Caesar.